Friday, June 29, 2018

                                                    Wintering at Antarctica

       Wintering at Antarctica is the most adventurous service.It is the most hazardous struggle between man and the extreme environment.In the entire world only some 800 people winter at Antarctica.About 60 countries have got their research stations at Antarctica and all of them do not maitain wintering team.

           The wintering team undergoes a great physical,mental and psychological battle firstly with their inner self and secondly with out side world.Isolation and loneliness  is the biggest enemy  and the winter team fights this enemy individually and collectivelly.

                  So one can imagine the burdon of reponsibility of the wintering station commander.Firstly he should keep himself fit and then organise team activities.The team members should understand the antarctic mental temperment and co-operate for individual well being and Team's success which will ultimately contribute towards National image.

               On 24 Feb 1988 the Indian 7 th expedition members made a hapazard and huried exit from the Antarctic Area with out any Farewell to the 5 th winter team which was a National shame on the part the expedition leader.The weather was certainly bad as the blizzard was blowing about 100-150 km/hr and likely to continue for few days.But these hazards are part of an expedition and one has to face  and solve.You can not run away from a battle front.

                          Col Ganesan expected the country which has choosen him for a National responsibility will strongly stand behind him.But the un ceremonial exit of the 7th Expedition had shown different attitude  of higher level .So Ganesan determined to fight a lone battle and will not let down the country in the world forum amongst the Antarctic member countries.

                      After receipt of the fax message from the expedition leader about their departure,Ganesan called for a meetting of the winter team at Dakshingangotri.The station though buried into ice was quite comfortable once you reach inside.but to reach inside one has to climb about 15 steps in a ladder ,reach an escape shaft and vertically climb down to the floor of the station.

            After selection as station commander and before his departure to Antarctica Ganesan had about 6 months time.During this period he had studied many expedition reports and had met past members of indian expeditions.Out of all these experience Ganesan had prepared excellent notes about his complete wintering period.For example sitting in india in june 1987 he had written notes about what  all he should do in June 1988 at Antarctica.
                 By and large he had mentally lived and experienced Antarctica before he boarded the ship.
          So,Ganesan was bold enough to face the situation on 24 th Feb 1988 when the 7 th expedition made an un ceremonial exit from Antarctic coast.

                     Being a dedicated military officer he took the entire team in one fold and the daily routine went on well like a well oiled machine running smoothly.

                      But Ganesan was shocked to see that the Department of ocean development did not perform a honest bussiness about the whole expedition.They had taken very lightly about some of their failure which seriously affected the winter team.For example they did not send suitable gloves for the team and their promise of sending them through Russian ship did not take place.They had given written statement that alternate accomodation for the winter team is available and that Dakshin gangotri is like a 5 star hotel.Where as the alternate accomodation had sunk into ice with in 2-3 months of construction and Dakshin gangothri is like alive death trap sunk 15-20 feet into ice .the first floor window had been modified as door and that too gets covered during blizzard.A life saving escape shaft had been construted with ladder both inside and outside for movements.

                All these things put Ganesan on the offencive and he started blasting out the officials who are responsible for conducting Antarctic expeditions.

                    But at the same time Ganesan and his team was performing extremely well setting new trend for wintering as the unified team was always in high spirit.Each member was individually gaining great experience and his co operation and contribution for team work was superb.For example the post graduate surgical specialist doctor did not hesitate to take showel and join the team for snow clearence. A carpenter will assist the indian instituete of geo magnetism scientist in his work.Of course needless to say Col Ganesan was every where in assistng the team.

                         At the time departure from Goa Ganesan's wife met with a minor accident and fractured her leg.With bandagged leg she came to Goa to see of Ganesan.Secretary Dept of ocean development  took simpathy on her and told her a confidential note about Col Ganesan.After all medical and psychological tests of members the specialists were of the opinion that Col Ganesan would be a different type of officer and his conduct of wintering will open new path which will be for good.This the secy told Mrs Ganesan and boosted her morale and requested her to be happy.
                       Ganesan was the oldest member of the winter team but he is the fittest officer to Ganesan had systematically planned the year long wintering activities and was going smoothly.After 21 March 1988 the sun started going down and after few days it was total dark .The polar night at the poles is about six months and at  Dakshin gangotri which is about 1000 km short of pole  used to be about four months.

                        21 June is the mid winter day .All member countries exchange greetings for happ and safe wintering.Ganesan received greetings from then American President Ronald Regan,Japan,Soviet union,UK,East Gesmany,Suth Africa.Indian station was having radio contact with these stations.

                        Ganesan took the land convoy 2-3 times to shirmachar oassis where india's second station was coming up. En route had friendly meeting with  soviet union station Novolazaravskia and East German station George Foster. invited them for india's independence day and Republic day.similarly Ganesan and his team participated their National functions.

                  By and large indias 5 th wintering was going smoothely .In November 1988 an international polar inspection team landed at Dakshingangotri in a ski fitted IL-14 small aircraft.Ganesan received them well and conducted arround the station.They had refreshments and exchange of gifts.Their leader Dr.Chellingarov,soviet union minister for hydro metrology was having all the praise for indian team and their high morale and in appreciation presented a wrist watch to Col Ganesan.
                     On 20 Dec 1988 the 5 th winter team had camp fire followed by final Pooja and was ready to receive the 6 th winter team. Ganesan remembered his reception when he landed about a year before.So now he had planned a reception which will be a land mark in Indian Antarctic history.

                   The team was geared up to put on ground all Ganesan's ideas.A very big banner "welcome indias 8th expedition and 6th winter team " was put up.About 15 boards were put up representing all the departments participating in wintering.A hydrojen gas filled baloon (about 8 feet diameter ) was prepared, National flag was tied to that and was flown at about 100 feet high and tied with strong nylon rope. A royal path way from the station to the helipad was laid and members will stand on either side  to welcome the new team .A radio was put up out side the station and will play MS Subbulakshmi's "swaagatham " welcome song. A low loading trailer decorated with departmental flags of all units and fitted with mike and amplifier  will bring the new team helipad to station. 

                            Colonel Ganesan will receive the team at the helipad.
                                                                                  Two escorts  in snow scooter will be pilots.
            The team was in high spirit to receive the new members.

               On the contrary let us see the mind set up of the new team.We are aware that Ganesan was head and shoulder  above the expedition organisers  and now and then he had blastered them for their incompetence and poor performance.So an imaginery pen picture about Ganesan was painted to the new team leaders that Ganesan is an arrogant  and rough leader and be carefull in dealing with him.They were mentally prepared to a violent and abusive reception.

                                 Message was received by Ganesan that indias 8th expedition leader and two winter team leaders and captain of the ship will land at Dakshingangotri on 21 December 1988 to pay compliments and greetings to indias 5 th winter team.

                                      With these different views the teams were ready to meet.

        On 21 Dec 1988  at about 1800 hrs (24 hrs sun ) the Airfoce MI-28 helicopter landed at the marked place.India's Film Division rep got down first to record the events.As the leaders one by one got down the music was on full blast.Ganesan was standing in an  highly decorated colourfull arena.

                               The new team leaders were wonder struck and stunned to see the station decoration.As gods representative Sqn Leader K S Gill who brought Ganesan  to Antarctica about a year before ran towards Ganesan and lifted him. He shouted at the top of his voice "Colonl Ganesan ,the great ! ! Colonel Ganesan the Great ! !.

                        The new leaders were still standing at the place they got down and perhaps was in a trance.They just could not believe their eyes.As thy slowly moved forward and garlanded Ganesan .Ganesan slowly introduced all his team members as they moved forward and came inside the station.Every where there was ample display showing pride and honour of our great country and all members of Ganesan's team were in very high spirit and morale. 

                        After some time the new expedition leader spoke to Secretary,Department of Ocean development,New Delhi and reported their arrival.He could not avoid his emotion about the reception and said,Sir

                "Colonel Ganesan  is a jewell of this country and he has demonstrated it today "

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