Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Captain

The Captain.
  The ranks of 2lieutinent and lieutinent are addressed as Mr only in the Army.The first rank to be honoured is captain.Ganesan was very happy about the developments that had taken place and thanked every one.It was 15 Aug 1966.Though he was officially captain since02 Jul and shown as Adjutant 4 Engineer Regiment on paper,he never sat in that chair and continued to be in 44Fd Pk only.He captained 23 Mtn Div Athletic team(Div troops) and took part in pole vault and tripple jump.Sports and games became very important constituent in his daily routine.He wanted to be associated in all troops games and at the same time played officers games like Badminton,squash etc.Running a few KM daily  with or with out troops  was normal for him.
 He has thoroughly understood the soldier's psychology  as he was mostly with them and  at the same time kept the distance.He was friendly but not familiar with them.He went  out of the way to help in training and also solve their personal problems.In their recreation hall he put up a poster like this"Even though we are soldiers and willing to sacrifice our life for the  Safety,Honour and Integrity of this country, we too have got a family consisting of parents, brother sisters wife and children.They pray for our well being and egarly awaits for our return home.Spend your leave happily with them and return to unit with satisfaction.write letters regularly to them".Below this poster  free forces letters and a pen was kept. A few days after this a Havildar came to see Ganesan in his room.Ganesan thought it could be some office matter.The Havildar after entering his room stood silently for some time and Ganesan noticed that tears were rolling down from his eyes and slowly he started crying loudly.Ganesan consoled him and asked him what is the matter.
Havildar said that he had gone on  2 months annual leave and returned recently.During the leave he had some family problems and fought with his wife.He returned in that mood only and decided not to write his wife.But when he saw the poster in the recreation room he changed his mind and wrote his wife .He got a reply from his wife deeply regereting  for the events during his leave and  expressed unlimited love to  him.So he wanted to thank Capt Ganesan.Ganesan sent him with little more advice.
When ganesan was enjoying his Army life he got a shocking news that he has been posted out of Army to a non military unit.Ganesan felt like a fish out of water.
Let us  meet the FISH.......

1 comment:

  1. Your commitment towards nation & family is astonishing sir. A rise to Captain Ganesan is a reward for your sincerity & bravery. The emotional breakdown of Havildaar was very sentimental & tear-bringing. Very proud of you sir. Waiting to know the activities of this UNAFRAID & ADVENTUROUS FISH outside the military unit.
    JAI HIND..
