Land of Rhinoses.On completion of the course at Roorki university in April1966 Ganesan moved on to a new route "The North East".23 Mtn Div had Engineer units,56 Field company,32 Field Company,23 Field Company(Bombay sappers)306 Field Park Company(Bengal sappers).Since this was to be formed into 4Engineer Regiment which would be Madras sapper unit the non MEG units were to be moved out.So 44 Field park replaced 306 and similarly 13Field company was to replace 23 Field company. 44which was part 6Mtn Div had taken part in the war and after the war moved to Rangiya.
13Field Company is one of the oldest field company of Madras sappers which has taken part in almost all the wars India fought from second world war to till date.In the 1947-48 war, the partition war of India-Pakisthan they had fought in J&K and Sub Thangavelu was awarded VIR CHAKRA and the company was awarded Battle honour "Jojila"as they fought in jojila pass.In the Sep 65 war they were part of 19 Div and fought at Baramula,J&K.In the re organisation process they were to move to23 Mtn Div,Rangiya.Maj Bawa was commanding the company.During their move Maj Bawa met with an accident and CaptPillai along with other officers,capt K.S.Rao,Lt.Das came to Rangiya.
Lt Col M.K.Basu was the commander engineer along with Maj G.S.Grewal 2i/c capt D.K Sen.Adjt,capt Bhute,IO,capt C.R Rao TEO.
The other officers were as follows.
32Field Company.Company commander Maj.S.N.Endlay,along with capt P.K.Agarwal 2i/c,Lt.zakkuma,Lt D.R.Johar,Lt S.N Mukerjee.
56 Field Company.Maj D.P.Jairath company commander along with capt M.S.Venkatraman 2i/c Lt VK Sharma Lt.IRS.Chopra.
44 Field park company.Maj HS Grewal company commander along with capt Murali Manohar 2i/c Lt Ganesan Lt.AH.Panicker,Lt R.Krishnamurthy.
On an auspicious day 02 JUNE 1966,4 Engineer Regiment was officially formed and cane into existence.
13Field Company is one of the oldest field company of Madras sappers which has taken part in almost all the wars India fought from second world war to till date.In the 1947-48 war, the partition war of India-Pakisthan they had fought in J&K and Sub Thangavelu was awarded VIR CHAKRA and the company was awarded Battle honour "Jojila"as they fought in jojila pass.In the Sep 65 war they were part of 19 Div and fought at Baramula,J&K.In the re organisation process they were to move to23 Mtn Div,Rangiya.Maj Bawa was commanding the company.During their move Maj Bawa met with an accident and CaptPillai along with other officers,capt K.S.Rao,Lt.Das came to Rangiya.
Lt Col M.K.Basu was the commander engineer along with Maj G.S.Grewal 2i/c capt D.K Sen.Adjt,capt Bhute,IO,capt C.R Rao TEO.
The other officers were as follows.
32Field Company.Company commander Maj.S.N.Endlay,along with capt P.K.Agarwal 2i/c,Lt.zakkuma,Lt D.R.Johar,Lt S.N Mukerjee.
56 Field Company.Maj D.P.Jairath company commander along with capt M.S.Venkatraman 2i/c Lt VK Sharma Lt.IRS.Chopra.
44 Field park company.Maj HS Grewal company commander along with capt Murali Manohar 2i/c Lt Ganesan Lt.AH.Panicker,Lt R.Krishnamurthy.
On an auspicious day 02 JUNE 1966,4 Engineer Regiment was officially formed and cane into existence.
Salute to the Engineers Regiment...