Monday, May 27, 2019

                              Madras Engineer Group & Centre,Bangalore.
                Ganesan returned from Antarctica on 26 March 1989.He was given 14 days leave and directed to report to Army HQ on expiry of leave.Accordingly he reported and gave detailed report about his wintering activities.
              It must be remembered that he was not issued with a posting order on return from Antarctica.He was insisting that he must be posted to Madras to settle all family problems which developed during his absence.
                  But AHQ was not showing interest to post him to Madras.Instead of that he was sent on attachment to Madras for three months.Finally he was posted to HQ M E G &Centre in september 1989, and inter posted as Battalion Commander No.1 Training Battalion.

                    T B 1 is the vantage battalion of Hq MEG.All important event are organised are conducted by TB 1.

                  Madras Engineer Group was to be awarded President of  India's COLOURS in march 1990 and full scale preparation was going on.It was perhaps AHQ plan to keep Ganesan as Parade Commander for Colours Presentation Parade and present to the President the Antarctic hero.Because Ganesan was the only Madras sapper officer who was Station Commander of  Indian Antarctic Research Station Dakshingangotri.
         It will be a historic event and if told in advance Ganesan would have been happy to do that.Since he was insisting Madras posting and under normal circumstances  it can not be denied AHQ dragged this and at appropriate time Ganesan's posting was issued.
                           Doing a Prade for President of India would be great honour for Ganesan .He swung into action immediately.His elder son was in 10 th std and hence his family remind in chennai.

                               "Presentation of Colours"is a historical event in a military unit.In the 210 Years history of  MEG  it would be first time.Generally Colours were presented to Infantry Battallions in appreciation of their battle performance in war.Latter it was decided that war is a multy agency operation and all arms and services are taking part.Hence Colours must be presented to all.

                        After this decision it was the first time MEG was getting.It would be a great show  and ceremonial Parade would be center of attraction.Re union of all serving and retired personnel would be also there.So it was a golden oppurtunity for Ganesan to engrave his name in indellible mark in the History Madras Sappers.
                    Ganesan fully understood this  and he left no stone unturned.

              02 March 1990 President R.Venkatraman  and all other Army,Airforce,Navy and civil dignatories including Chief minister of Karnataka arrived.
                   Ganesan himself wrote Tamil welcome speech and delivered before entering the Parade ground.Commandant was the Parade Commander and Ganesan was the Dy Parade Commander.
MEG Marching contingent had already won four times best Marching contingent award and no wonder that this parade will remain as best in the minds of about 6000 peole who were spectators.

                      Ganesan came out as an undisputed Leader on this Parade.

 In 1991 MEG took part in Republic day Parade for the 5 th time ,now under Ganesan's command and once again won the best marching contingent award.At the same time the second string soldiers took part in Southern Command Army day Parade and won first place.

                            As Training Battallion commander Ganesan introduced very inspiring training methods and all those about 3000 soldiers who did training during 1989-1992 will certainly remember Ganesan in their whole life.

                                As posting to Madras was initially denied AHQ now full filled their duty by posting Ganesan as Additional Chief Engineer ,Chennai zone.
                                     Ganesan moved to chennai in september 1992.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

                                                               Opening of "Maitri "
                 The 7 th Expedition during Nov-Dec 1987 had laid the foundation for India's second research station.During wintering time Ganesan's team took care of it and maintained.When 8 th Antarctic expedition along with 6 th wintering team came in Dec 1988,further works on the second station started.Ganesan's 5th winter team after handing over Dakshin gangotri station also joined hands to complete the constuction.On 29 th Feb 1989,India's second station "Maitri " was inaugurated.

                                                       Inauguration of Maitri.

             Knowing that Col Ganesan is a fine sports person and adventurous the Engineer in chief of the Indian Army Lt Gen P S Rai had sent one Parachute through 8 th Expedition,ordering Col Ganesan to try Para sailing at Antarctica.

                   Para sailing is an Adventure sports for non para troopers. For this you require very big open space and slight wind.The parachute is tied arround the waist of the person.A long rope as long as he wants to go high is also tied arround the waist.The other end of the rope is tied to a vehicle.The the vehicle is started and slowly moves picking up speed.Once the rope is tightened,the person runs behind the vehicle,and parachute getting dragged behind.Depending upon the wind and speed  the parachute goes high.If the vehicle speed is reduced the parachute comes down.

                             Ganesan tried this in Antarctica and became first person in the world to have done Para sailing at Antarctica.
                                            First in the world to do Para sailing at Antarctica.

              Having completed all the works successfully Ganesan had spent two days at Maitri with the 6 th wintering commander till he gets cofidence and acclamatise to Antarctic environment.

                             Readers may be aware of Ganesan's uprightness calling a spade as spade and merciless approach to defaulters,irrespective their position.This was not appreciated by Depatment of ocean development  and did not listen to Ganesan's practical approach.

                     The 6 th winter team was selected with the presumption that the second station Maitri wold be completed and one team will winter at Maitri and another at Dakshingangotri..Accordingly one Colonel and one Lt Colonel and suitable members were selected.

                     Ganesan suggested that wintering at Dakshingangotri would be suicidal as they had experienced most dangerous situation of snow comming through the escape shaft during heavy blizzard.Since the Leader designate to Dakshingangotri was keen to show his heroism he was keen to winter at Dakshingangotri and not to be under command at Maitri.

                           Totally burried Dakshingangotri where 6 th winter team wanted to winter.

                 Readers should be aware that Dakshin Gangotri is on icecap and Maitri is on rocky base.The stations are 85 Km away and not easy for rescue in case of any problem. Explaining all these to all Ganesan returned to the ship .The 8th expedition along with Ganesan's 5th winter team left Antarctica on 02 March 1989.
                                                      Leaving Antarctica on 02 March 1989

                                As expected hell broke out between the the two teams at Antarctica.Needless to mention what all had happened.But sufficient to understand that both the wintering leaders resigned on their return to India.

                       Ganesan landed in Goa on 26 March 1989.He was posted as Battalion commander MEG &Centre,Banglore.

                   At Bangalore another glorious chapter opens up which will Print Ganesan's name in the history of Indian Army.