Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The command-3

The command-3
Ganesan started local enquiries about missing personnel in that areas.ITBP(Indo-Tibetian Border Police) and local people revealed different stories.whan a person is physically exhausted especially in high altitude areas he reaches a state of hallucination(illusion)and in that state he will be in  state of transe and walks freely without any perception of danger and may fall thousands of feet down.A normal person will not go to such an edge in search of him.ITBP people confirmed such loss of persons.
   In the mean time Ganesan callled the family members of that missing person and did further enquiries.with all these feedback Ganesan decided that
declaring him as deserter will not be correct.He should be declared as "Missing".since the case was closed earlier Ganesan wrote an application to Adjutant General  of the Indian Army stating all the facts.The difference between desertion and missing are like this;Desertion is an offence and the unit has to search for him.All the family allotment of the jawan will be stopped immediately.The desertion was only a presumption and not a confirmed fact.compared to this missing is like an accident and still the unit will keep searching for him;but the family allotment will not be stopped.For 10 years this process will continue and if the person is still not traced,he will be presumed to be dead.All the benifits of dead will go to the family.
so Ganesan sent an application through proper channel to Adjutant General at Army head quarters.It is needless to mention that up the channel no one supported the case as the Div commander already counter signed "derertion".About a month might have passed.one fine morning letter came from AHQ stating that "inthe light of commanding officer's explanation,the case be treated as missing and the findings of the court of enquiry be re written as MISSING.It was the first success step taken by Ganesan
More to continue....


Saturday, November 7, 2015

The command 2

The command-2
Command of  troops is a highly psycho analysis job keeping in picture your professional skill and the spirit of justice.If you have claimed the ladder just by pleasing senior officers you will certainly be  a white elephant to troops.In the present scenario of crises a jawan shooting an officer can not be ruled out.
    under such circumstances the file declaring a jawan deserter duly approved by higher authorities came to Ganesan.The unit has to trace the where about of him,recover govt property,the rifle and take discipilnery action.In the mean time his family allotment if any will be stopped.It was just first few weeks after taking over command.Ganesan called theJCO and NCO associated with the event and under stood the matter.When an event like this takes place in an area close to international border.the best option for senior officers would be do something and close the file.That is what happened.Ganesan never go through the line of least resistence.He will always take a tough path which others hesitate to take.
    The next dayGanesan decided to walk along the route through wich the team had gone.It was certainly tough and by the time Ganesan reached the spot where the jawan was last seen,his legs were trembling and paining very badly.He sat down there.I f this is the condition for a  tough officer like Ganesan,certainly it would have been worst for the jawan.
   Ganesan decided to see the case in different angle.
To be contd.....